
Copyright: Chauvet & Sons Inc. owns the content of this website, including but not limited to pictures, videos, logos, trademarks and resources, in its entirety. The website may not be used, in whole or in part, for any commercial purposes whatsoever without the prior express written consent of Chauvet & Sons Inc.

Trademarks: The TRUSST® logo in its entirety including the TRUSST® name and the square figure next to the name, and all other trademarks on this website pertaining to services, products or marketing statements (example: It’s Green Thinking, CHAUVET® DJ, ILUMINARC®, TRUSST®, and CHAUVET® Professional) are owned or licensed by Chauvet & Sons Inc., and may not be used by a third party for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Chauvet & Sons Inc.

Warranty: No warranty, whether expressed or implied, is the responsibility of Chauvet & Sons Inc., outside of the expressed warranty terms and conditions of Chauvet & Sons Inc. All terms and conditions of the warranty from Chauvet & Sons Inc., are valid only on products purchased and used within the continental United States, United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Chauvet & Sons Inc., does not endorse nor warrants any third-party warranty statements by dealers or distributors of Chauvet & Sons Inc. products. Please refer to our warranty statement for more details. Outside of the United States, United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, please consult your area dealer or distributor.

Disclaimer: All product specifications, pricing and availability are subject to change without notice.